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Residents return to improved alternative camp

Residents return to improved alternative camp

Story by Michael Weber

CHICO — Residents authorized to live at Chico’s alternative campsite, located by Eaton and Cohasset roads, moved back this week, after staying in hotels or moving across the intersection since Aug. 5, when the city closed to camp to make improvements.

The site reopened on Aug. 14 looking different than the start of the month: wooden beams, laid into the ground, outlined rectangular areas filed with gravel and clearly distinguished spaces between camps. Two more portable toilets were added by the entrance, for a total of four toilets; one of those compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

There were also a lot fewer people; about 17 people were present at the site Thursday. About 35 people have been authorized to live there since its establishment in 2022.

The single entrance and exit to the site remained free of obstacles; the dumpster at the site took up a smaller footprint than the previous one, and it did not appear overfilled. Walkways

Charles Withuhn, president of North State Shelter Team which provides weekly shower services there, said he helped residents move their belongings and provided five tents to people who did not have one when they returned to the site.

“It went pretty well; the police were respectful and worked with the people to a large extent,” Withuhn said. “There was a little bit of mayhem, but we are gratified at the degree of civility and respect and flexibility by the police and public works.”

Withuhn said his team had a successful coordination with city officials, supplied water and helped de-escalate some situations. Since the renovation, Withuhn said he has not noticed trash overflowing at the site.

Within the camp, residents’ belongings were staged in organized areas and awaited their owners’ return.

Across the street from the primary camp, the city’s other alternative camp, was a temporary home for some people that moved out since Aug. 5.

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